I-thy yegolide ebiyintloko ye-thy ye-goe ye-gode ye-ankle
I-Round Toe Lace up up the tipper hael zipper emnyama idolo elikhulu
I-Round Toe Matte Mnyama yeqonga le-Hinky High cell Ankle Brots
I-Lycra yazo yolula iPlatter ye-Stiletto ye-tel ankle
Iplatiform lace phezulu i-stiletto ephezulu ye-stiletto ye-patent ye-pitent ye-ankle yothando
Iqonga lePlayithi yeSilivere ye-Lacefor ye-Secer Mid-Calk Ankle Boots
I-chunky heel peep toe toe up up mesh ankle ooties
Laceza iplatiform chunky heel emhlophe i-rocts yesanti
I-TOE TOE Glitter yolule i-chunky block i-heels ende
I-Consy toe ngaphezulu kwe-gotokhwe yedolo
Iqonga elimnyama nelibomvu i-suede the plaeming ceinky heel ye-ankle